vote: lizardninja
I don't drink, I think I'll retire to me room, till I hear some news.
So I see the world has brought on to us two treats, we shall have to weed out the evil amongst our own ranks, before the evils of the lands. I...
You can torrent the show pretty I've heard o_O
So I got all the skinks rearing to go, and one saurus, the others are still lost in the interwebs. Who votes we keep going anyhow?
((ya I did, got not responce))
prefer the second option myself
We should investigate the convoy should we not? See what clues we can find amongst the wreckage. Try to see what we are up against exactly.
((I like the adventure...just seems like the support is dying for the rpg))
Feel the same as a DM
Hmmm, this RPG dead? Not getting many post back from you guys...just curious if everyone is still in this thing? Only a few are posting...
*looks to the hunted, moves his hand and points to the backend of his maul, revealing the silver pick end* Who needs a silver sword when you...
*Hearing the news Lord Craken moved to the rest of the group, normally he would be reserved. Yet he was upset and needing to vent* Why have we...
The group had nearly forgotten about the other skink, who was quietly minding his own business. When he did finally speak up, he told the story of...
Lord Craken simply nods at the news, he makes his way away from the party and up to the wall. Watching the outside world as a guard would....
After the impressive display by the skinks, the group moved through the temple ensuring that the taint of chaos was cleansed. To their...
The sorcerer fell to the ground and moved no more. The saurus though avoided damage still seemed stun, and did not strike back, Xa easily moved...
Lord Craken at your services. Ready to die for the protection for the innocent, and crush all tainted and vile creatures beneath the weight of my...
Looking good keep up the good work
((Just wanted to let you guys know the saurus can attack back now)) As three warriors fall to the ground, the figure behind them came into view...