Ilok was still to weakened to respond, the marauders rushed at the group with unsuspected speed. The first one reached Tzuhil, he swung his ax at...
((just Ilok gets to go now))
The group moved through the temple, reading the glyphs as he went to avoid the traps. Moving cautiously they began to notice, a few traps had been...
Welcome, feel free to ask any questions
Sounds like a fun task, the winged serpents are all through the lizardmen book, there is also shots of them of them behind Lord Mazumudi (sp?).
The group remained a while longer, still there was no sign of the Chameleon skink
Well everybody did not post, but I'm not waiting anymore. The lizardman party sat at the steps, looking at the abomination that lay on it. The...
((np speedygecko :) , if you could post a catch up post though would be great :) ))
((Right on, yeah I love researching native history, I'm Skidi (pawnee wolf) decent, so I like reading about the native warriors. They say Pawnee...
((Cuauhtémoc just read up on Cuauhtémoc very cool information, he was a very impressive leader))
Just waiting on asrodrig and speedy gecko then I will move forward. slannFrogy Send me an email an I will figure out a way to get you into...
Congratulations! Now that your all graduated in nanomed technology I need you to come to Canada and turn me into the Hulk. Got some things to SMASH!
((Where is everyone? Want to make sure everyone is still around before I further the story. Please post on the last one everyone.))
((nope just the one. Gonna wait to post till everyone catches up here, aka everone involved makes a post or two, for the ones that already went...
((where is everyone these last few posts? The skinks are getting worn out))
((Xlcontiqu - You need to deduct points for yesterday's post still)) Tzuhi wiggled himself free of the sorcerer's body, the limp thing stopped...
Huaroc moved through the brush, he came to a massive tree, and hid behind it for cover. Looking back he could still make out the shapes of his...
The morning came and instead of the welcoming sun, the lizards woke to a steady downpour, the rain dripped off their scales, and into their eyes...
The group moves through the swamplands quickly and quietly, noticing tiny versions of the creature they fought along the way, the decided to...
Sounds cool, good luck with it :)