They cancel out eachother. You'd have to both get Timewarp and Speed'o'light up in order to go first (Still not rerolling to hit). .. You can't...
Stegs are stubborn anyway.
Very illigal list.. Your slann has 3 arcane items.. If that wasn't breaking the rules my slann would float around with a Banehead/Feedback...
In Denmark we don't ban them, but we limit the total generatebale powerdice and dispell number (Not counting chanelling) per magic phase, to two....
Illigal list. may want to read the army-composition part of the BRB again ;) - You can't have more than 3 specials in a <3k list. Also; I NEVER...
Solid list. Though blocks is too small for my liking. I wouldn't run below 24. prefair 30. Especially when running light you need the bodies to...
I have to disagree on this. The ETC rules are getting there but as they are atm, i think they are nerfing some armies, to the point where they...
An oldblood would do very well at holding up normal s3/s4 inf. (I guess most of us has had fun tieing up units even with a Scarvet on CO with...
<3k pts you can field: Up to 3 of the same special choice. Up to 2 of the same rare choice. >3k pts you can field: Up to 6 of the same special...
As said before, weather or not an army is better, or in some cases, able to "Overcheese" the others are determined weather or not you are playing...
Yep, They're classed as Warbeasts.. Though to me that's as much a nerf as it is a buff. I mean, you very rarely face a situation where your...
Yep, unless in combat, all that happens to an EotG when misscasting is the d6 loss of PD. Though, every single skink AND the steg is hit by a...
I can see this unit kicking butt in a lot of situations, but as for a tournament-build i wouldn't replace my TG with Krox. - You have no Lo,S!...
As always, casting Purple suns without popping Potion of Speed with a frogg is risky business, and won't be worth the risk unless you are looking...
I only just got to reading this thread :) But from my experience with 8th'ed i don't see any cheese (Tournament wise, with random opponents) with...
In my opinion, the cav didn't get one bit better with 8th. Well yes, you can reliably "Use" them now, though they aren't really of much use....
Purple sun yes. But you have to remember what death does best, Character snipz! A slann is far harder to snipe than a mage at 2-3 wounds with a...
They are in most casses. Only dwarfs cannons/Bolt throwers are able to fire magical shots (With the appropriate runes ofc.)
He's not mounted and is classed as inf. Carpet can be used by an inf./Monstrous inf. on foot. - If my english doesn't fail me badly i think he...
Hi ladies! Lately i've been getting somewhat bored of running the same Lifestar/Saurus lists over and over again. Not that it hasen't prooved...