Both lists are tooled for life, with the option of going metal now and then :) Yer, i personally like the tg list, though the pointsink is just...
Basicly i'm finding myself torn between fielding a lone or a TG Slann for an upcomming 2k turnie. Mostly because i know i'm likely to be facing...
Oh yes. I totally overlooked those. Thanks for reminding me :) But.. i do believe 72% is about right, and in that case my point still stands...
Rolling 3 dices has 216 deffirent outcome. You want any of the results that include a 3 (atleast I think the wind spell is number 3) After going...
Both lists seems pretty balanced, and could imo do well against most armies. Though personally, i'd do a few changes, take the advice or leave it....
Imo, running higher state, is not as good defence as you'd get from running plaque of prot. along with a +1 MR talisman. from that you'd get 2+...
To actually do a constructive comment, to thread, i think it's safe to say, is put a lot of thought into.: I really disliked the changes 8th...
The Slann is classed as infantry. which means that you get a 2+ Lo,S from being in a unit of TG. As do you for being in saurus/skinks. and you...
I'm not saying spears are useless. Far from it. Though at 20 warriors running five wide, it's only 5 attacks, and a whole 2/5 chance of a rank....
Taken as a Character mount, a template weapon (Cannon, eeeew) will automaticly hit both your chief and the steg. then those saves aren't worth a...
It's all deffirent outcomes of the dice rolled. when doing math based on proberbilities (Can't spell that word for sure xD) - you have to take...
Since you can't fit a Slann in an 1000 pts army, going with no magic isn't a gimp at all in my opinion. Something to consider is that Goblin /...
Thanks for the solid ideas :) Though i think i'll be running the simple mystery rumination divine plaque. This should do pretty nice with life...
I have a 1500 point Tournament comming up, and given the point limit the Slann can't exeed 375 worth of points. I've been thinking which combos...
Against any magical oriented (Even just slightly) this list will fail in my opinion. On top of my head i can think of WoC MoT sorceress whiping...
Given a ld 10 cold blooded stubborn test, only 4 deffirent dice outcome will fail (As you will need two sixes and not below 5 on the "last" dice):...
I've just played and Empire army, reading the 8th ed. line of sight rules, as drawing line of sight from the eyes of the figure shooting, to a...
One of your priviliges as a slann is that you're able to pick any lore, which might suit you. In a Tournament situation this is a very vestile...
Just Called Games-Workshop Office in Denmark, they had 3 people running through the book while i was on hold, and concluded that this was indeed...