Page 83 actually states very clearly that no rule that the rider has is confered to the mount, and vica versa, except for Stupidity, fear, Terror,...
Yes, to me that would be what made sence indeed. Though it IS actually against the rules to use the Terradon's str, when it comes to "Terradon...
I can't seem to find anywhere in the BRB if you use the rider's or mount's str when working out the stomp attack, and i guess it pretty much comes...
@ Vilicate. Thanks for bringing my attention to the basic steam tank rules, i had the idea that your roll added to the selected number of...
As the tittle states i have a question regarding the stomp attacks of Terradons. In the BRB it stated that: Terradon Riders are WC, and therefore...
All of these attacks will only wound on a 6. Need str 9 to wound on anything else. it has 1+ save so str 5 will still give it 3+. An oldblood with...
Saurus doesn't do much against a Steam Tank. In theory you're correct, if you face anti magic you better have something that doesn't rely on...
That would then be another no-go mate. Since the steamtank has mutiple wounds on it's profile. it'll only be turned into gold in a roll of 6. -...
It's now a chariot in all means, which makes it vulnable to poison, though with a 2 + save, you'd need 30+ skinks to do any real threat to be...
- Ye, dwarfes are pretty much OPed at dispelling as it is atm, but the thing about empire is, that with the SteamTank buffed to T10, most armies...
As the tittle says, i've just had the worst experience to the date, when it comes to 8th eddition buggs. I was recently competing in a...
Hello, I have been fooling around with two deffirent lists for this bracket (Lone vs TG Slann basicly). Any Comments/thoughts on either list is...
My experience with the A. Steg+war spear seems to be abit deffirent than everyone elses it seems, so i wanted to let you know some of the ups and...