I like the idea of the chameleons, reminds me the old dark elves assasins, the only issue is that I think that they don't hit enough to consider...
wow thank you for all that information, specially because yo nailed in all the doubts I have, I apreciate a lot it, thank you! I agree with you...
acomplished: https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/a-flexible-koatls-claw-list-lets-roast-it.26824/ acomplished, don't have any mini to test it...
I'm new into the game so expect some basic errors into it, anyways, I was been doing a lot of read, understanded the rules, the book and how the...
Hi, I'm from girona and love to be in that community! I used to play warhammer fantasy with khorne at my teens for a few years but now, without...
Hello, I'm new here. This thread seems a good point for the first post, so let's go into it. knowing that the month is going to finish It can...