Haha the hello kitty thing made me consider a white and pink color themed LM army. Not crazy enough to do it..... but maybe a future WoC army.....
Aww I felt confident about that post. Well two outa three aint all that bad ^^ Also curios what benifit are you after feilding a cohort at 15....
Ohh tricky one I suck at thesse things..... and I usually just play to win. But some ideas maybe. The first defence of the Jungle. Greedy men...
On the chaos thing. Chaos warriors on foot can get a 4+ save when using aditional wepons. I cant remeber them having anything that improves that...
Had another small battle this weekend. This time there were just 3 of us meeting up so we decided on doing a 3way battle where we all competed...
I love the pattern, I'm totaly sold for small extra things thats makes em flashier. Wish I was good enough to do it myself.
If you are a bad painter (like me), and find comfort in painting guides, wich more often then not base themself on GW's paints. Valejos Game color...
Saurus might not be in that much need of a musician, I just take one cause .... well I just do, and then I dump em if I need points elsewhere. On...
Maybe my english understanding failed me there. Skink skirmishers and cohorts comes from the same 24 dudes plastic box. You basicly just equip em...
Ohh stand up can be fun but it's the submissions you have better use of in daily life.... or not daily maybe but when the situation appears.......
Why Thank you. Fun to be here also.
Cohorts are ranked up with javlins and shield. Work well as redirectors, or cheap harasment. Skirmishers skirmish are 2 points more expensive...
Well maybe should have done this a wee bit earlier. At the start of 6'th edition at the time when DE had just been released I picked up intrest...
Honest I dont think I paint good enough to notice a diffrence between paints. Heck I could prolly use water paint that kindergrtners use with the...
I'm closest to the camra. Sober as usual..... Is it bad when I cant find a pick with me sober? Also have one on my (kinda) tight ass. But last...
Dont think you can take the jaguar warrior charm if you mount your charecter.The spell only works on models on foot. Things you can do with a...
I'll buy the GW purple and devlan mud wash. And try vallejos yellow and smoke ink. Just discoverd the Malestorm site. I had planned to buy for...
So on the comming paycheck I wanna get some paint for my little dudes. I have been looking around and GW's paint is expensive. And I have heard...
I'm no expert and have very little expirience with lizardmen and 7'th edition. Here are my pointers thou. I would make the slann the Battle...
I also started with the battalion. I got a 1000 point list from it. 2 scar vet on cold ones 10 skink skirmishers 2x 15 saurus with spears,...