Not sure how you mean in honesty - the images weren't the best to get a feel of the size i think i should have shown them next to a model or on...
Just posting a short update as i forgot about the post in honesty - I'm really struggling on what to do for my big creatures as such; Carnosaur,...
Here's what i have to use for some bases/movement trays - though not sure how to arrange them - ihave loads. [attach] [attach] [attach] //syn
Yeah i though that myself with my stegadon, was going to do a blue or green but was shy on funds as i already had some reds freely available. But...
Thank you :) Currently working on 40 saurus warriors and some skinks now - Then to figure out the best method for basing them jungle style. //syn
Just browsing over some old posts to get inspiration - i love your army scheme dude. The black skink's have to be my favourite but i love the...
That's quite clever, i really like this - thinking of doing something similiar myself tbh. Kudos to you sir. //syn
Here's some more: Sorry for the bad quality of most of the images: Currently working on my saurus warriors and kroixgors so will upload...
Testing more images.
Thought i'd start posting my lizardmen - pretty new to painting as i've just started collecting really Most of my lizards are purple and my...
Cheers for the strong reply, good read overall. Though struggling with some of your terminology regarding spells/items i think it's what you mean....
Hey guys, been posting small ammounts as and when amongst lots of browsing on the forums. Anyway, here goes. It's coming up to christmas and...
Okay cheers guys, so it seems pretty sillyto take kroq gar over an old blood then really? As i just purchased one off ebay for less than half...
Hey guys, just wondering if you could help me with a little debate regarding this special character.l One of kroq gar's special rules is that he...
Well, was making progress today with the aquariam plant like things i purchased - in the process of letting them dry from the prime coat of paint....
Good reads guys, really appreciate it - Having only gotten back into the hobby recently i'm still new to basing and converting things. But...
Good ideas so far guys, appreciate it - though funding is scarce due to purchasing a slann and some terradons :D I've elected to try out the...
Those were something i was looking into myself, but didn't give the overall feel of what i wanted. I thought about these bases:...
I figured vines and leaves would be the best bet really. Not sure what to say my army theme is based on really. Though i don't know what would...
Not sure where to put this topic tbh, but here goes nothing. What's the best way visually that you guys create and paint the bases for the...