It sounds like Pandaemonium is giving your Slann trouble. Remember RiP spells can be dispelled at any point in the magic phase now. While I...
Congratulations! I won the tournament here, but played my WoC and not Lizardmen (no one entered with them here... lots of Skaven that I somehow...
I've decided to use a different army for 'Ard Boyz this year (I just can't quite bring myself to take an unfinished one to a tournament, even if...
You can count me in. The trouble is going to be deciding what to paint since I have so much unopened/unpainted to choose from. We're starting...
For those of you who haven't seen them yet, they are available at the link below:...
Nothing again from me this week. 'Ard Boyz practice is a bigger priority since I still haven't decided on a list (let alone an army), and lost...
Like the Omen said, with casualties taken from the back, initiative isn't as big a deal in combat as long as it's not getting down to the wire....
The worst thing you are likely to see in a small, competitive game is a VC army running Cairn Wraiths (ethereal) that can take advantage of all of...
While it's going to take a lot of dice, if a Skrox unit(s) has both Speed of Light (I10) and Time Warp (ASF), the Krox will be going at I10 which...
I'm with Eladimir on this one. In a fun game they are nice to include, but if it's competitive, there are just too many warmachines that can take...
logalog, you ask a very good question, but it's a hard one to answer, and something that even veteran players still struggle with. Not just...
I've never played with a special character before either, but since I think I'm going to surprise people with my unfinished Lizardmen Army for...
I got back from China at the end of last week, but was too jet-lagged to bring myself to do anything involving painting this past weekend....
What is the titanic difference? It becomes a unit with a mixed profile and is no longer purely infantry, which seems to be the argument for the...
So far I've only played a Night Goblin list from the new O&G book. Beware of the Little Waagh's lore attribute that lets them steal dice from...
The EoTG would be my biggest concern as well (you can get a lot of stuff for the points these things eat up). Just make sure you have Pha's...
Until I see an official ruling on the stomp thing, I'm a little wary of trying to enforce it. Would it mean that a Screaming Bell/Plague...
This weekend's project was 12 Saurus Warriors. It will probably be the last bit I paint for at least two weeks, as I'm about to head off to China...
What I would encourage you to do is go and playtest some of these lists you are coming up with. Hopefully you are in an area were you can proxy...
If you can keep ToV off his Archmage, don't neglect to consider the utility of Cupped Hands. If the army seems to be propped up by the caster,...