He does get a Look out, but only at a 5+
I love it when my Slann gets the attention of enemy warmachines, he gets a 2+ Lookout roll, and then there's his personal ward save if you roll a...
Yes, the pictures are not 100% correct, was still figuring out the timeline aspect of BC.
I would recommend dropping either the tarranadons or the sally and pick up many more SW, if they kill 2 of them, you lose all rank bonuses. That's...
That's especially good news for VC or TK players
Yes, but Vargheist are glass cannons, hit them with a few skinks and they're toast. They have no armor save, and at T4, even shooting can take...
All paths lead to this, in complete agreement.
Re: Lizardmen political SuperPAC adds are out of control They're all lies! All of them!
I spent more time trying to remember exactly what happened, as the game took place a few days prior. I have entered into a tourney (2000 pt) on...
First tournament I ever played in the final round was OK vs OK, TK vs TK, and VC vs VC. It really came down to who had a better list and who...
I prefer Regen over the Magic Res anyday, as Magic Res only applies for spells, whereas Regen is all-around, yes it can be nuked by fire, but how...
Fellheart is that Dark Elf special char. He's particularly nasty, as he grants it to the unit. I once played a guy who used him to sweep up all...
I run a scar-vet cowboy with the sword of +1 attack, cold one, shield light armor, and dawnstone. This gives him a 1+ armor save (rerollable) and...
Thank you very much for their reply. I agree with the Cav statement, but I also learned a valuable lesson the next day about knowing your...
Idea is a great one! It's very akin to Skaven bell, Rats pilot it, rat-ogre rings it. Would be feasible to see Krox's throwing stones or the like.
I've always imagined it as a sort of mystical fog that emanates from a crystal chalice on the Palanquin, which creeps along the jungle floor,...
I do not have army lists, as this game was played over a week ago. Also, forgive any mistakes that may appear in Battle Chronicler, this is my...
Im assuming the Sea Guard had flesh to stone (buffed), making them toughness 7, but they would still need 4s to hit, with rerolls, and then 5s to...
Yes, but you get Saurus Cav as a core choice! Or maybe I'm the only one that thinks Saurus Cav are the 2nd most valuable unit in the army?
Lizardmen luckily have lots of spikes and halberd that stick to the eggcarton foam (get the crappy kind, dirt cheap, has more holes, more area for...