I use tubberware boxes with eggcarton foam, just like the pic above, to transport 95% of my minis
Knowing your enemy is very important, I suggest reading through this informative guide on how to play Beastmen over at mwg....
After doing alot of reading, and a helpful user on these boards clarified, you can be a BSB and have magical items, as long as you don't actually...
Only a +2 for bonuses? Which ones?
On the Saurus vs. Ushabti fight, did he tell you they have Great Weapons? They REPLACE Great Weapons for Bows, not get both. You should have won...
Cairn Wraiths are not Wizards. If a Wight King is a BSB, he CANNOT have magical items. If a Scar-Vet is a BSB, he CANNOT have magical items....
Bring a Scar-Vet, give him Sword of ASF. Challenge. Goad your opponent with "He's only a hero, how bad can it be? He's got the same wounds, you...
If i model my kroxigor with his GW tied to his foot, THEN can I use S6? In all seriousness though, yes, anything that modifies the strength on...
Also, an easy way to kill Unstable Armies, I.e. TK or VC, is to bring lots of static Combat Res. Ranks, BSB, War Banner, etc. This gives you an...
Aha, thank you for the correction. After referring to pg.89, I was about to declare victory, until I read the paragraph above the one stating that...
Remember, TG only have a shield if they aren't using Halberds in CC. For this reason, I do not take Halberds. I find that base S4 is enough to...
That's impressive rolling! You do not get armour saves vs. Death Shriek, however, they're not randomized, you decide the allocation. It's a fuzzy...
For the Ogres, you're Saurus can stand toe to toe with them all day long, especially is buffed with a Life Slann. They're weakensses are similar...
Thoughts? Oh Yes. When playing VC, this is my favorite tactic. People don't realize that I can easily sink 1500 points into 4/5s of my army, and...
I would bring the Slann at this pt level just to shut down his magic phase. As an avid VC player, I usually bring upwards of 3 mages to a game...
It can be difficult to work with, if you keep working it, it'll smooth out.
Re: Stegadon WIP (UPDATED: 9/4) ...and the finished Howdah! Now all I have left is the Skinks, which will be mostly airbrushed! Stay tuned! [attach]
Check if GW has a blue primer, that'll do the job.
Re: Stegadon WIP (UPDATED: 9/4) To compensate for alot of the yellow being covered up, I brought the colors and it's family to the Howday, golds,...
Re: Stegadon WIP (UPDATED: 9/4) The fininshed Stegadon, what does everyone think? The weathering looks much more natural when viewed in natural...