Alot of regular posters do what I do, hit that fancy button up top called "View New Posts" This lists for us all the threads that have received...
It would be awesome if the Signature spell gave a unit Poisoned Attacks, and a boosted form gave all units in 12" Poisoned Attacks.
I'd ditch the lore attribute, I'd be generating 4d3 extra dice a turn. In a good winds of magic, you'd cap out a twenty four. I'd make it generate...
I personally think that any if casting should provoke a miscast, which in my opinion would balance things out. However, until there is a FAQ...
I really like that house rule! I agree cannons are extremely strong, they need to be balanced. Ancient annon were accurate, but range can be be...
Re: Stegadon WIP [attach] The Howdah is coming along nicely! You can also see the pile o skinks behind the Steg. They're next!
Re: Stegadon WIP Both the Slann and the Skink Priest will be able to use this, it's been modified to accept either one, although the Slann will...
Re: Stegadon WIP I have come to the conclusion, that I too, abhor Finecast.
Re: Stegadon WIP The next little project I've been working on... [attach] [attach] Gotta love kitbashing!
I would love to see a larger dino take it's place on a large monster base, possibly a brachiosaurus? Especially if it also had a howdah
Re: Stegadon WIP I did run the craft paint through my brush, with no adverse effects. I put some in a solo cup (red, of course) and added Testor...
I use alot of Pine Bark to mimic rock formations. I bought a 25 lbs bag of the stuff for $2 at home depot. Just hot glue it to the base, prime...
Re: Stegadon WIP At this current point in time, I'm going to lighten them slightly, offsetting the darker purple of the skin after all the washes...
So I decided that I needed a desperate break from my 200 VC zombies.... Desperately, so one night after having a few too many drinks (one of which...