I love skinks. I have over 150 saurus but only about 40 skinks. I would like to run a "Southlands Army" with Skinks, Krox and Sallies. I think...
People complain too much cause they dont know how to utilize the mechanics of the game. A VC army will walk all over Lizards because we aren't...
Woot! I'm like 4 days olds to the board and i'm already sigged! You make my cold blood feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :smug:
I have had a few Australian friends, and they think biscuits are cookies... like, chocolate chip cookies. So i like to see their reactions when i...
With armies like VC why do they even bother with Comp anymore...
I must enslave wappellious and force him to paint my army as well as make me an army board! HAHA. Looks awesome, very old school.
So I'm wondering, since we have many Australian forumites as spawn-kin, would anyone reject to having a nutritous balanced meal of eggs, bacon and...
Woo! America! ..err... i'm not american... Welcome to the Forum fellow Lizardude. Juicy.
I dont upgrade the stalker in the unit, when i say stalker im referring to the model with the hand weapon pointed forwards. I will snip that off...
If you're playing wood elves you don't want them surfing up and down the board so manuveriability is going to be crucial as well as your slann...
Its not the size of yer blowpipe its how you use it! Hehe, that is funny though. Rambo Skinks... I'm so painting my stalker to resemble Rambo...
All that i have to say is wow. Those saurus, especially the Old Blood on foot with his uber looking equipment is SO cool. You do lizardmen proud!
Yeah, it was obviously the predacessor for the Bloodthirster we know and love today, but Citadel called in a Balrog, I think that it is actually...
If you're going to have a Slann, I would take temple guard... make your slann a BSB, give him a warbanner if nothing else then stick him in a...
... perhaps the Holy Hand Grenade... Welcome Mike!
Chameleon Skinks were meant for this sort of thing, terradons too epecially since they can bounce from woods to woods until the moment is right.
I like it, discipline. Good good, most of us overenthusiastic gamers buy too much and paint too little! I love lizardmen because collectively,...
Lol, thats funny. I didn't realize, my usual word favorite word is Dude and i havn't used it once. Hehe, fine, i'll use luciious and scrumptious...
My buddy has been collecting for the last... err... like 10+ years. He has the original bloodthirster model which Citadel called a Balrog at the...
You cant go wrong with an army centered around a Slann and A juicy unit of 15+ Temple guard. If you're new to lizards, big blocks of saurus also...