If anything, Buff spells draw out dispel dice and scroll caddies, especially if they are concerned about your Stegadons and want them dead....
Wow, awesome looking list. My only question is, where are the Scar-Vets going? Are the going in the Temple Guard unit? If they are, all i gotta...
People just annoy me. There are far worst things out there than Salamanders. In the right hands Sallies can rape blocks of infrantry, used wrong...
Haha, therein, Human Jawbones and jade jewelry would be all that rage. I woulndt mind running around in a banana hammock with the skulls and bone...
Chams are extremely good at shooting big scary things. Giants drop like flies, and even something like a bloodthirster feels a mortal chill run...
Yea, I cant help myself but buy new army boxes when they come out. LOL. This is nothing compared to a buddy of mine, he has just about...
You wouldn't happen to try to be making the palanquin on the front of the army book would you? That palanquin is awesome with all the tusks and...
I would have SO much more money if GW stopped making models... lol.
And we wonder why obesity is killing everyone in America... we don't want to do diddley sqat if we dont have to, that includes walking an extra 30...
I have been called cheesy over my salamander tactics, if you havn't had a chance to read them, i posted it in this topic...
This is my Typical Lizardmen List, I do not include any magic items in my list because I change them depending on my opponent. Sometimes I switch...
I would like to see the America's if they Europeans hadn't come until much later, imagine the architecture. Instead of gothic, and roman...
Awesome Chakax. I saw similar looking models in your army photo. Did you convert those too? I couldn't tell if they were the old school...
I love sallies, hands down. The key to using sallies is getting them on the flank of the enemy, hitting ranks horizontally can yield 5-6 fulls...
I think the term "cold blooded" rings true with how my people were culturally. Not as in remorseless savages, but literally how the lizardmen...
Hello eveyone, my name is Ricky. I have been playing and paintin lizardmen for about 3 years and I love em. I am of mesoamerican descent so...
Honestly, the way GW shows it is really good. If you are not into layering, one way I do it, and it comes out pretty nice, is to base coat the...