I play Chaos in 40k and with the last 2 updates (both being oppentens i play regular i have lost more then 99% against them before hand it was a...
So here is a couple pics of my completed single models [attach] [attach] these were done by my Girl [attach] this is my work
Looks good for a first time I wish i had such talent.
i just want to add my 2 cents here I purchased a steg about a week ago today in the 1500 Mighty Empire i ran a priest mounted on a Ancient Steg...
how would he lose his sight bonus and why cant he sit in the back?
I was looking around for this and could not find the answers first 1 is Herald of Cosmic events a spell or ability if it is a spell can a a...
I will try a army with less CoR today i lost against Chaos.... i didnt take your advice into account yet because i didnt have enough together....
Umm well at first they are yellow like FF Chocobos im trying to make them more lizard like. The one is front is non-washed the back on is...
Even though this is not a Lizardmen Idea here is a very cheap method of making some cheap movement tray's first off goto your local hobby store...
I better then you because i got tickets to bliz con and my GF also and she liked playing DIABLO which means i get to quit wow.
LoL i live in Virgina here in Manassas small world
So we started off tuesday with Mighty Empires As lizardmen IM good.. Yea and 1k lists as follows Hero Skink Priest lvl 2 Tepok and Scroll...
so today in my game i used 5 Chamerleons scouted in a house. my opponent was very scared and shifted a squad to go away from it. Allowing...
I try to purchase from my 2 local stores and my local GW. Due to the only GW in the area they are out ALOT. they will special order stuff....
first off what kind of camera is it be specific also try taking it out doors on like a dark non reflective surface for better light. If you...
So ive been doing a lot of searching but alas i have found very rare occasions to buy some liz cheap. I don't mean really cheap just a decent...
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) Ignoreing the other posts my question is would the banner of Huachis blessed be any good i though...
Thank you very much for the response I for got to add it was a 1100 per army. It was a random roll between the dwarfs and orge's once again...
So first off English is my worse language any spelling corrections will be ignored :) (yes im American but I call my self Texan)(long bad joke)...