I love the conversions and the color scheme It makes me want to go paint. And i shall
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index How do you properly 'Screen" as ive seen it for me personally in the dozen games ive lost Most of my...
Ok so here is most of my army I would like to play a 750 12 skinks skirmishers 12 Sauras warriors 12 Temp Guard 8 Cold one Calvary 3 Jungle...
hmm.. this makes me sad Sir Knight :( ty for the help gents
is a halberd considered a spear? it says spear like i say yes daemon player that our rolled me on the idea says no.
LoL acutlly i would.
lol just being a dick the way i read is left to right with periods and quotes and parenthesis for organisation. like i said they i read it...
Interesting and i though my English is bad im very happy to know that a entire company's Language skills are worse then mine.
hump my argument is the shield is not being held just being worn on the arm. where some races actully have them hold them. ours look like a...
i read it as D6 str with 4 hits ..how did i get this wrong again
ok this is a combo question for Sauras wars and temp G OK first off Spear If i charge i do not get the rank 2 bounus but if i get charged i can...
Ok like i said in my introduction English is my last launguange. LoL but seriously Im going to type this out word for word then im going to...
Awesome Ill check it out ill ask a couple question in a sec or two in the tact fourms thanks for the warm welcome
So I am new to the game got into it for the warbands for both my GF and my self I finally Tied a game today making my record like 1-13-1 LoL...
by the Old Cold be praised
Hello Ladies and Gents The name is kables First and for moth English is not my best language but its also my only LoL im From Texas so.. SPPpp...