Off topi: never thought I'd see lizardmen devoted to khorne, that's a pretty cool conversion. Green-stuffing a normal cold one rider wouldn't be...
Ok, so that makes sense. Stick him out on the flank with the harassers and then they can use his leadership to not run away like little scaredy...
I agree. I'm. Just hoping my ogre kingdoms battalion comes in before they redo that book. They'll add 3 bulls, or maybe 10 knoblars, and jack the...
Sounds interesting. Would definitely like to see how this turns out. Also, if you figure out a nice purple combo, lemme know, my girlfriend wants...
I've only played against them with my dwarves, but essentially that is correct. Hit the magic users hard, and their army should crumble. Watch out...
Thanks for the input. I'm thinking I should use the temple guard like I would use hammerers, and the saurus are almost like the normal dwarfs. So...
I have been playing Warhammer for a few years now, but always before as a dwarf player. My friend talked my girlfriend and I into a battalion box...