Skinks! only word to describe it my unit of 10 skinks (with blowpipes) anihlated 2 giants yes 2 giants! in one turn o shooting. I love the little...
Ok here it is Name: Luthar Castors Race: Wood elf Career: theif and assasin Age: 19 Wealth: low his fortune was taken by a pillaging orc force...
Check this out yellow cold ones. [attach]
Thanks for suggestions i dont have any kroxigors atm (im trying to get some). so i decided to drop a skink unit and have some saurus cavalry....
I was thinking of having a more intresting colour scheme than the classic blue i wondered if anyone had any tips on how i could paint my lizzies...
Hi im pretty new to lizards and this is my first crack at a list feel free to tear this up. Scar vet with great weapon,light armour,sheild,...