which is the point i made at the end of my post
most of the people on the board from what i can tell all follow that a roll of 6 to hit is an auto wound bolt completely through according to my...
if you are talking about dropping rocks on the unit you just flanked charged... no you can't since you never flew over them
i bought one... and it fit together perfectly... minor gapping underneath but no one can really look at the belly anyways didn't need any green stuff
unless otherwise noted in rules... yes it suffers from normal shooting penalties
didn't know it worked both ways... thought it was one way from rider to mount
i can see them doing wonders against armies with frenzy units.... send them out there to be charged and then counter charge the flanks on your...
originally i was browsing the TPV forums... but when i found this one i pretty much just stayed here lol
i've thought of a unit like that craken... getting insane amount of attacks... talk about a beefy tar pit unit
this makes me wonder... for personal clarity... its a ward save against all ranged attacks magical and non-magical that are outside of 12" of the...
EotG and the slann ability to take all 6 spells of a lore (Light) are amazing combo against VC
first: general consensus is that yes it can... but there is no definite answer until an errata is published second: what do you mean incidents? a...
that's what i usually run... war banner or against shooty the chotec standard
the frenzy banner is for skinks only
and think of the results if you have portent of far on for those pesky rolls of 1s
when the rider dies and the monster does its reaction test (if it has too) it is dislodged out of the unit it was in 1 inch away
just posting what the GWS workers told me... unless i see errata they are the end line for me to go by rules
i had a 16 skink 2 krox unit and i felt that was too unwieldy can't imagine 24x3 unit
i need to figure out myself how to make the weapons interchangeable
i talked to the local GWS near me and they told me that yes 1 roll of a 6 will pierce through all the ranks no it can't stand and shoot since...