its like apple and oranges can't compare the two... depends on play style and how you feel... if you like a combat leader and go head long into...
lizardmen don't sacrifice their own kind... only the bodies of their enemy's
i would think if an enemy unit that is charging the rank that he is in then his special rule for his shield would apply that being said and...
i don't think the chief can ride an ancient... just the regular but your list here... is almost identical to the list i made
they've always been lvl 1 that you pay to upgrade to 2
if i remember correctly you need a US of 5 to charge and destroy a fleeing unit so i don't think it was possible for your US 2 of terries to kill...
there are two things that can't be poisoned.. models with a rule saying they are immune to poison targets who need to be hit on a 7+ that is it
yea i made a stegadon/skink army list of my own for 7th that has 2 chiefs on stegs 1 EotG 1 regular stegadon throw in the handler units and...
impact hits will kill the command if there are no other regular models in the unit, but each model killed on that front line is one less counter...
EoTG provides: points denial ranged defense for a certain range for possibly a lot of units artificial boost to a priest in power via cost and...
this is assuming that the combat hasn't taken place yet that turn
they can move and shoot but like LaTigra said... it doesn't say breath weapon so you can't march and shoot
they'd have to allow it since they have that special character riding a terradon
the few that have gotten a glimpse of it would though :-D
yea i used a MSU list against VC... won both times
just use a sallie to take out the vargulf.... i mean they finally FAQ'd it saying it is flaming
i must of missed that part... was in a rush lol
when you charge a siege weapon like those you don't actually attack the weapon but the crew that come around to defend it
would the +2 strength apply to the impact hits tho? or just the normal attacks of the rider
kroxigor were never large targets to begin with... and skinks are not small targets... its a mixed unit... think of skaven packmasters with their...