razor get their power when you allow them to get charged... 2 artillery dice of shots with no mods is a lot of hits per razor in the unit
kroxigors are placed in the 2nd rank and can still land attacks with the great reach rule so if you have 6 skinks in the front and two krox in...
in 7th there is no predatory rule... so the 2nd rank gets 2 attacks
razordons only have a certain range that is in the description in the army book. Skinks have equipment, this can vary but then you have to pay...
i know it'd be overpowered but think if they forgot to print that each Engine have to choose a different lore
just think of it this way... both would trigger at the same time the moment the unsaved wound occurs... so they both modify the same single wound...
i believe kroak makes the unit unbreakable and i do know that chax makes the temple guard unbreakable when he is in the unit
i'm pretty sure that in the book that the regular stegadon gets the giant bow and the ancient gets the blowpipes/engine ancients are the rare...
me thinks i'll be fielding two blocks of saurus and a saurus cav with that one anti cav banner in my new list... i'm going to the GWS nearest me...
since the sallies are using a flame template and can be put into units of multiple sallies how does the shooting work? can each sallie aim at...
could always try the flying priest... should allow for easier LOS for your slann to cast on
um yea... what he said... give me a reason to use my saurus in mass again
if they roll two 1s for insane courage then they don't auto break and stay in combat
his warrior priest don't produce any power dice... his priest do produce a single dispel dice... the prayers are bound spells at power level 4......
this is exactly how my group plays
Re: Think about starting Lizardmen normally i'd recommend terradons and salamanders but i'd wait for the new book first
my point of fleeing was reference to the OP his point is referring to the roll of 6 for animosity "We'll show'em" this makes the unit move...
whatever you do is stay far far away from CC with fanatics
well the way my group plays is if the movement places you 50% through the other friendly unit then place them 1" past the unit... if it was less...
you still need to nominate a general for the army, which doesn't have to be a hero for warband in your case would most likely have to be a Brave,...