The List seems to work quite well. I annihilated Tomb Kings Yesterday. He conceded after 3 1/2 Rounds because basically everything except the tomb...
Slann + - Focus of M. - Rumination - Higher State of C. - Becalming Cogitation + - Cupped Hands + BS - - - > 495 Pts This guy will fly...
a unit of 20 temple guard is a total waste imo. The enemy will never charge them and if you are not playing dwarves outmaneuver them so their good...
you, my fellow lizard, really need at least two dispel scrolls if this is an all comers list. 3 would be better. i would maybe drop the salamander...
Allright, they might not be TOTALLY useless, but if you compare them with the former salamanders they are jokes.
Well Your Kroak based army would not have worked anyway under 4000 points, so it would habe been wise to build your 2800 points army and then get...
i just made a really long post about how i like the old one better, then my browser crashed -_- anyway here the short form again. old book pros:...
"When in battle, these silent warriors stand sentry, silent and motionless" Does that sound like hatred? In my view Saurus are the embodyment of...
COR can be very effective, depending on the enemy. Do not take them against armies with lots of blackpowder weapons or crossbows, because they are...
A nice little guide, but i believe this is an error: Spears don't give attacks for the second rank when the unit charges, only if it gets...
Is this a new tactic? i have been using it all the time since the new book came out. Actually it was the first thing that came to my mind when i...
Sure, who could not love a giant carnivorous dinosaur that is ridden by a smaller carnivorous dinosaur? But my favourite models still are.......
I don't really are about razordons because i never use them anyway but WHAT THE HELL is this nonsense about the palanquin? The faq says that the...
Sword of Battle Isn't worth it in my opinion. Stick to sword of might. I agree on dropping some saurus and adding sallies. A skink chief on the...
Thanks for the feedback. the Cold One Cavalry did not really do anything wrong. I just had to move them in an awkward way (away from an ogre...
Depending on the enemy i would go for Blade of Chotec. This way the TG have a good chance against heavy armor troops and the guys can still keep...
Hello! At another warhammer forum i saw that the tactis section had another subforum with one topic for each enemy race. In these subforums...
You have plenty of dispel dice but you should still not leave the temple without a dispel scroll or two. those can be invaluable. i would drop the...
Ok it went really good. We each had a miasion objective in our deployment zone and one was in the middle. In the end I held one and the beastmen...
I am all for sallies. Panic tests are great especially against skaven and orks, and against tomb kings flaming attacks also are useful. Also i...