Muahaha yeah two Slanns would be pretty mean *g* But i would not take 2 second gen slanns, because Dreq-Kai is right about the many choices that...
If you go magic heavy you should go magic HEAVY, if you know what i mean. so spending around 1000 points in magic in a 3k point game is what i am...
Does not sound too bad. But Cold one riders are pretty expensive, points wise. a unit of 5 (minimum size) already costs about 200 points,...
SohCahToas has some good thoughts about this. He is totally right that it is a waste of points to invest in a guard unit if it never sees...
Hello, I am playing both 40k and Fantasy so i thought i'd tell you my views. first of all i like the new 5th edition 40k rules, but that is just...
My Salamanders once ate all their skinks in one shooting phase.... ouch.
I would not leave the jungle without a dispel scroll or two, but that is just my preference. scor are pretty expensive for a small size army like...
That depends on who your enemy is. If your opponent has lots of flyers or fast units, i would advise you not to take a lone slann at all. but if...
I have to agree, skinks are the heart of our armies. I always field at least two units, even in a 500 pt game. but i would not write something...
I actually pretty much like our book as it is. I even like the kroxigor models a lot ^^ the only thing i would wish for is some more plastic...
Well, you can still ask your opponents if they allow you to field one if its not in a tourney...
I love the conversion idea. You cant field a Giant but you can just convert the models, put a few skinks on top of that giants head...
A 2nd gen slann in a 2k list can be devestating, especially if your opponent doesn't have proper magic defense ready. just give him all the shooty...
One of my Favourite tactics is to put the Nike Saurus in a unit of skinks. in the first turn you can move 12 " toward the warmachine and in the...
Thanks for the hint, I will mention the mark topic to the beasts player. I charged the Giant with my COR. He did not have many wounds left at...
It really depends. against armies with a lot of shooting (or even moderate shooting) teras will go down like flies. Sallies rock against almost...
So, how did it go? =) i'm curious.
Yay! thats great news =D thanks for the info! Concerning your list: I also think that a skink shaman would be useful. you have no dispel scrolls...
I once played against chaos. A unit of chosen knights rode past my skinks towards the slann unit. the opposing player said something like "i'll...
The Stagadon actually did some damage with its bow. It took 2 life or so from the beast chieftains chariot. and it hit the minotaurs 2 times,...