I thought i give you guys a short overview over a battle i had this weekend. I write all this from my memories, so it might be incomplete ^^ My...
My JSOD Setup: Scar Vet (i guess, i have the german rulebook and these guys have other names there ^^ the hero guy, not the lord) Blessing of...
What is that "heavy waepon" your captain has? we are not in 40k here ^^ ither than that i'd have to say your list is rahter boring because of all...
just to clarify this, the Slann DOES NOT GIVE a +1 CR just because he is a BSB. The Rulebook says clearly that only BSBs who are in the front rank...
Hi there, Thats quite some stuff your friends got for you. but i'm afraid you'll have to do some shopping to make an effective list out of this....
Good Suggestion. I have about 16 Saurus with Spears that I did not even paint because i almost never use them ^^ as temple guards they might...
Temple guard are the only lizardmen unit that i do not own. Why you ask? I see their abilities and I can imagine what they are good for, but they...
I HATE that blue color scheme. Its just totally against the principle of evolution. Why would anything that is blue survive in the jungle? they...
I also go with salamanders. Watch any elf player drop his mouth when you use 6 in a 2000 point game ^^ I usually don't do this. It feels like...
The Stegadon is Great, but Sallies are better. If I don't use a 2nd gen slann i usually use both. I always keep the giant bow. I just don't like...
Kroak is indeed nasty but i would rather go with two 2nd gen slanns for the points
I have not actually played the new VC but i have a pretty solid plan what to field against them. First of all i will likely play a sacred host....