slann -+1die, Loremaster, bane head, feedback oldblood -SoMight, maiming, Lt armor, 4+ ward scarvet -Armor of destiny, shld Scarvet -hide of...
my computer hates me. I actuall had a longer post then just "charactors are models" but it did not show up...... any how I have not run my...
I charactor is a model
So I am looking at the idea of runnig 8 krox (4x2) with an ancient and then adding the coldone/vet. the idea is the vet will have crown of...
Actually I have seen horded Gobo's due quite well. give them Bows and sit and shoot 30+ shots a round and then stand and shoot with them, or...
I am looking at going one of two ways at this point. either I ditch them all together (BOO HISS) and use 2 units of 6 krox. Or I run 3 of them....
when that unit is placed on the board get the hell out of the way then. Deploy in the back of you deployment zone or spread way out!!! if I...
2 dice will work on jsut about everything in Life, you get an additioanl die and +4 so you should be comfotable. again though I try to make sure...
i could not disagree more with all of this. The game is made a certain way so play but the set rules, I hate house rules and banning somthing....
I do not think I would ever engage that unit with less a flank charge and a front charge both with heroes.
i think i play considerably diffrent.... I make sure I get TOV off turn 1 as it rarely gets dispelled. I have no problem throwing 6 dice turn 1...
is hiting on 5's single shot the nrolling to wound better then hitting only on 6's double tap style?
I believe they can cast non line of sight spells..... not sure though
when shooting you nominate a model to shoot at. So your apponent will likely choose a skink with a krox behind it. if it kills the skink it will...
I mostly play 3k point value games, my play group is combat heavey all the time. So I run mine 6 wide and have 26 of them. This gives me a nice...
shooting deductions questions1- chams have a BS 4 so they start at 3+ march -1 long range -1 doubles -1 so you can always double tap an wound...
not sure he is a heritic I have been looking at other posts and thinking a unit of krox may be more effective??
I think I like this idea. Regen and +4 toughness would make them pretty bad a$$
typically I run 2 steg in all list and run them as a pair. If they survived shooting then my oponent typically stays away from them. Allowing me...
so I made a list today that has 3 ancient stegs at 3k. EOTG Chief with spear nillla ancient. this did not allow for any scar vets.... but I like...