are we sure that they can march and shoot? I can not seem to find were it says you can?
how about this how much you want for it?
So I played O&G and got swamped due to some bad luck and poor generalship.... oph yeah and he is a good paler as well! Playing DE tomorrow and...
the 6+ be comes more usefull VS higher Strength opponnents. I think I actualyl perfer the 6+ Ward to the +1 AS. on the topic of new things.......
may have been covered/talked about but does any one else feel like Saurus got raped this eddtion? I know we are going to need more ranked out...
wow.... I meant to put Skink Skirmishers in not Cohort's!!! So they are 70 a piece not 50. That eats up most of my remaining points so now i...
I am attending a tournament Next summer put on by the Warhammer-online forum and I am working on a 1500 pt list. I am hoping this thread can be a...
yeah the pink shields are not great!! I am thinkging applying another wash to them, might darken tehm up enought to fit?
Thanks again all or the positive feed back!! Thinking of taking on my Scar Vet next.... I agree on the pink shields! Just not sure what to do...
skin was pretty easy once I figured it out! Prime white - Paint gray - hit high (rounded) spots with gray white mix- then wash wth Badab Black...
so few months of painting stoping and painting again and this is the results!! [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] enjoy! hope to...
absolutly amazing!!
nice little trick to use is make a scar-vet your general. They have the same LD as your oldblood. This will allow you to move the carnisour...
@strewart you are correct I should have been more specific. I was just implying that when on the flank you take away rank bonus, +1CR and with...
the EOTG is a 3 phase beast: 1: protect the army as it advances. Pretty simple 2: use the Drums to get behind enemy lines! I find this to be a...
at 2k you do not choose a lord and get nailed on comp that is bogus!! 3 Steg mounts, 1 of each variety sound perfectly legitimate to me!
all skink at 2k?? with 3 steg's are they all mounts? Doesn't sound to cheesy. Do you take a lord choice?
Great Tutorial on magnets and using them:
I cant see giving him the GW i would go for Chotec if these were my only 2 options. I typically prefer the Sword of might or striking....
bad part is I should have known better! I have never played demons and he was a late arrival to the tournament so I did not look at the book. He...