thanks for pulling me up on that, ahhh... the dangers of arguing between 4th and 2nd.
Hello All, Been looking for a reason to take my three favorite things, a beef cake Slann, lots of Saurus, and multiple Stegadons in one army. And...
I find that i am the worst enemy my Saurus have and it is because of the way i move them. They are the slowest unit in our list, so they tend to...
Never considered swarms for mage hunting, good concept.
Saurus Phalanx look awesome. While giving spears to a block of 20 is expensive it better fits their role in the Lizardmen army, engage the main...
First post here and what better way to introduce one's self with an expression utter devotion for the Stegadon. I love my Stegadons. I never...