Yeah, I've been debating on dropping a couple of the champions for a dispel scroll.
Been wanting to give a try to a lighter magic, more brute force lizardmen army. Wanted to put this out there and see what people think. Lords...
I've been having real troubles in my games with spirit hosts. Probably will start using either fire or light against undead, so I can get decent...
Sorry to take this a bit off topic, but this relates to something I ran into recently and it may help the original poster with regards to how to...
Thanks for the feedback. I'm leaning towards a few units of 2x2, but not positive. My main opponent plays vampire counts, and he knows that he...
I've been amassing a number of kroxigor to play with, and through some good deals on Ebay, have brought my total of the towering lizards to around...
Lizardmen were my first army. I started playing in 5th edition, and the box came with a bunch of skinks, saurus, and Brettonians. My wife wanted...
The bottom of page 93 covers who can be the battle standard bearer: the slann, saurus scar veteran and skink chiefs. You'll probably want to pick...
Thanks, hadn't really thought about that. I do believe that with this opponent, I'll want the ranks more than the frontage, no war machines in...
Chahlie - Good point. Maybe I should replace the war banner with the banner of eternal flame? Hiv0r - Not so much interested in the arcane...
Looking for some advice.. I've got a 2250 point game against a Vampire Counts player this weekend. This is only my third game in forever, and...
Okay, I got another game in.. this is my second since quitting Warhammer a decade ago, and my opponent was still new as well. She'd played a bit...
Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I'm not sure if I ever want to go this route, but have been considering it.. Say a horde of skinks, with 3-4...
I've only played two games so far in 8th edition, one with someone new to the game. The one I played against a veteran taught me that some people...
Thanks for the feedback. My first game so far, my opponent did everything he could to avoid the slann/temple guard unit. I didn't have anything...
Couple questions.. The Skavenpelt banner can be taken by a skink only, so obviously the skink chief. Say a skink chief is in a mixed unit of...
Looking for peoples' thoughts on this. If you're playing in a game large enough to include the slann, are there appropriate times to use the scar...
Thanks for the tips. Emailed one for a price list, am waiting to hear back from them.
I'm looking to pick up some models at a discount, but want to make sure I'm dealing with a reputable company. I'm in California, but anywhere in...
Not a full battle report, as it wasn't a full battle, but here's how it went. I took: 20 temple guard with Slann (cupped hands, rumination,...