Several suggestions. (1) Drop the venom on the scar veteran, and give him a GW and a Jaguar pendent instead. Your list only has a unit of...
Ok, can only take one copy of a particular magic item. The only exceptions are powerstones and dispel scrolls. So you are going...
Ok, i have a couple of suggestions. First, you cannot give your JSOD two enchanted items. Drop the venom and give him a great weapon. That will...
Against High Elves, you might also want to consider fielding a FSOD. The fact that there are only 2 crewmen means that his normally lackluster...
As an addition to what was already mentioned, I like to add a layer of spray on matt varnish. This extra layer will give the grass (or pebbles,...
I do have to agree with you that the new Steggie looks a lot like a Squigoth. Honestly, the level of abstraction used on the model is making me...
oh sweet %$#!!@ That is amazing!
Unfortunately I cant post a pic of my JSOD (me and my army our on separate continents....a terrible thing), however I can tell you the two easiest...
every way ive seen the bears anger played in tournies, it simply negates the weapon bonuses. A handweapon alone doesnt really do diddly anyway,...
Dont take Saurus against VC. Its as simple as that. Period. You loose the main advantage Saurus have against enemy infantry (cold-blooded) and...
First, give your Scar-Veteran a GW. Second, I would suggest finding room for a 3-strong unit of Terries. With two units of sallies and your...
wow, this is great! thanks!
Also, keep in mind that no matter what you might want, the game is based on balance. Yes, elves have m5 and special rules, but they are weaker...
Yes....painting him pink might help. That, or you can give him a very large personal banner samuri-style.
correct. Although if Kroq-Gar's carnosaur is killed, his LOS will return to 360 degrees. Although I do not have the rules in front of my right...
Do you have one of the old emperor dragon models?
um...assuming you are going up against...well...."normal" army lists you might want to break up some of the larger blocks of skinks & cold ones,...
well there is drain magic. So still, technically, five. You do, however, have to consider the fact that there is a slim chance that your...
May I ask where/who you heard these rumors from? Some of them sound overpowered while others just dont make sense... A relatively reliable...
that would be illegal. Check the GW FAQ