also dont forget that Kroq-Gar counts as a large target so only other large targets will block LOS
My main concern with the list is that it wont do very well except against very standard army compositions. Magic is going to be a big factor...
a FSOD is a flying skink of doom. Pretty much a skink chief with a cloak and either a sword of might or two hw. Good for opportunistic hunting...
Ok, first your skink priest cannot have over 50 pts in magic items. Secondly, im assuming that the tepok in the slann entry refers to the plaque...
I think you need to rethink certain portions of your list. First, I would suggest dropping the unit strength of the chamo skinks. There main use...
my god.....I always just assumed that it was a flame attack....some rules lawyer I am... :(
Ninja-Skink has it straight on. That said, I just wanted to develop upon a point that your raised. You had mentioned that you were leaning...
I like the list. For the style that you are going for, I think that it could work quite well. Beyond that, however, I must ask whether you...
Yes, as mentioned above, you cannot march and shoot as the weapon is not categorized as a breath weapon. Now, this might and should be clarified...
If anyone tries to argue the point with you simply point to vanhels dance macabre or unseen lurker...both work in principle in a manner similar to...
I must say, I am definately jealous. Ever since I went back to university there has been a definitive lack of opponents :shamefullyembarrased: .... These cases I find to be much better. Not only does the increased space allow your to fit 1-2 armies in...
Well done I must say. Despite the super-charged nature of his list you were able to come on top with a very fair list. Im also always very happy...
Although I cannot find the specific FAQ on hand, the answer is that, unfortunately, hero and lord slots and the character alottment are one in the...
Well done! My only suggestion is to maybe go in with a fine detail brush and smooth out the transition between your layering. Besides that, the...
If your magic is being defensive, why not simply do tepok rather than the diadem skink. The diadem cannot be used effectively to boost the... These seem to be popping up all of a sudden
Keep in mind that you cannot use the power dice generated by the skink priests in your Slann's spells.
In the future, please do not post the individual point costs for upgrades. Its against forum rules, and a way to get the forum shut-down. I have...
Just a couple comments. (1) Give your Oldblood a shield. For 3 pts, the +1 to your AS against shooting isnt bad at all. Moreover, you still...