Hell, at 3k why even bother with skink priests -_-? As you cannot use skink priests as batteries for the slann, why not simply put 2 second...
I might have to disagree with Craken on the true potential damage a Anvil can cause. First and foremost, the anvils two guards, the 1+ armor save...
I agree with everything NinjaSkink said, although I must ask why you have decided to jump in at 3k points?
He cannot cast magic into the enemy unit his bodyguard are in combat with, because they are in combat. Magic missiles can not be cast into combat...
Yes, giving the priest a cloak will do wonders in keeping him alive and giving the slann the exact LOS that he needs in any given turn. You...
There is the great dessert of Khemri and Araby north of the Southlands. I remember reading some GW fluff (probably when the 6th ed. book came...
Although Axolotl's suggestions on how to defend a lone slann is great, I would strongly disagree with his advice not to field a lone slann. In...
My only concern is that Terradons might be overkill against high elf bolt-throwers. With only 2 T 3 crewmen, even a unit of 3 terradons seems to...
If you want, you could post your current army list in the army list forum. Otherwise, speaking generally I would say that a FSoD would be your...
The Skaven randomization of hits is a race-specific rule. For the rest of us, we work upon a different mechanic. Unless I am mistaken, there...
The key difference between Terradons and Monsterous mounts (and if im not mistaken, Pegasus knights aswell), is that their stats are combined. In...
Yeah, I have to say that the list as it is is very balanced. The only problem is that as the power creep is occuring the idea of a 'balanced...
Beyond the point that it will be most beneficial to charge whatever war machine has the master engineer with your JSOD (assuming of course, an...
I would suggest investing in the BRB. All of your questions can easily be resolved by looking through the flying units' rules.
Hopefully, if you hide your Slann behind a nice piece of terrain, you will be able to slay the DP before they get close enough. Dont be afraid to...
http://uk.games-workshop.com/dogsofwar/giant-rules/1/ Unfortunately, Lizardmen cannot.
Well....chameleon skinks will often perform more as a mixed bag unit. Against certain opponents (such as OK) they are brillient, against others...
I would put terries on the top of the list. You can normally get 3 terries into b2b (except against elven bolt-throwers), which is far more...
The Cathay have always been a part of Warhammer lore. They are a human race, and have made several appearances in warhammer as dogs of war units...
However, the flaming sword of rhuin can still be cast by the slann on himself (no US restriction for the spell). As long as you have a nice...