A halberd is a two handed weapon. You can only use shields in combat with one handed heapons. It does, however grant you the +1 (or +2 in the...
This thread should provide you with some basic advice on dealing with ASF....
Butchers are immune to poison :jawdrop: !?! Hmmm...now comes the internal ethical debate of whether I should inform my OK opponent who seems to...
(A) You are correct in assuming that you flee as normal. The only difference in the hit and run manuver is that you automatically regroup (and...
The most efficiant way to kill lone butchers, at least how I have done it, is with the lowly skink. A unit of javelin skinks can usually keep out...
Yes, there is generally speaking no situations in which I would not take skinks (except for a seige battle perhaps). Warhammer fantasy is at its...
(A) Unless im mistaken, both the bane head and the cloak of feathers are enchanted items, meaning that you can take only one or the other. I...
Yeah, in fact any army list that I field which includes Saurus is an exception, not the rule.
That...probably would not be the best of ideas. Salamanders are not particularly good in combat, and have little chance of holding. Their...
Keep in mind that you can, if the unit is armed with hw+halberd+shield, simply choose for the particular situation. Generally speaking, I always...
My first suggestion would be to drop the BSoTepok. As I previously mentioned, the JSOD should facilitate mage hunting in most cases, meaning that...
Edit:Dang, Craken already got to most of my points :shamefullyembarrased: I just have a couple of suggestions for your list. First, drop the...
Skeletmen is correct about not being able to take the jaguar charm and the bane head. A CO would also be useful as it will mitigate the chance...
Skirmishers are very effective against O&G, but unfortunatley they do not completely dominate. The prevelence of fanatics and fast cav. means...
Yea, I must agree with Craken as what he says is pretty spot on. The assault type list is rather common these days, and if you look through the...
Good times
Although Im sure you have already searched the boards for already existing threads ;) , here are some threads that bring up some useful points...
Firstly, I would suggest making the Jaguar Skink into a Jaguar Scar-Vet. The points increase is not substantial and he really increases the...
Keep in mind, however, that none of these characters are considered 'legal,' and so require your opponents permission.
I have always played that a single wound which goes through comes out to 4 wounds w/ the Pblade and bane head combo. That said, I myself am...