Indeed, you may actually be suprised how effective they can be in certain situations. Although I am in no way advocating an offensive use of...
I wonder if with a unit of skink scouts already the chamo skinks wouldnt be better swapped out for another CC unit? Right now you have only 3...
Alright, so you want advice eh :D . My first 40k army was Dark Eldar, so I can definately ensure you that they are the fastest army hands down....
This thread should help a bit
The issue with the battalion becomes whether or not you want SCOR :) . That said, if you are including SCOR in your list I would suggest...
Yes, you can put different sized models into various sized units. The main exception to this rule is that you can not place characters on...
Well, Im assuming that this is considering that there are no new models available. In this case, yes, I would say that that would be the best...
Well the use of the Totem of prophecy is for Temple Guard. The trade-off between Tlazcotl SW and Temple Guard is that the Temple Guard will...
Alright, there are several threads already in existence, so Im going to direct you to them. If you need more information, there are several more...
Well IMO you should try out the lone slann strategy ;) ... That said, there is really no 'perfect' unit size for your slann guard. With Temple...
Im just going to insert a warning here that magic is fickle. One miscast can stop an entire magic phase (or indeed a priest's life) in its...
Warning! Warning! Skink Chiefs cannot take dispel scrolls! Or for that matter any kind of arcane item! I would suggest that you post your list...
hmmmmm. Okay, well my first suggestion is that for the vast majority of your skinks you will probably want to switch to jav. and shield. As you...
that is really, really vague ;) But in all seriousness, what models do you have already, what models are you planning on getting, etc. There...
My suggestions would be, in order of importance as your list expands: (1) a skink priest: at anything above 1k, your going to start seeing magic....
I just have a couple of suggestions: (1) You may want to rethink the way you equiped your Scar Veteran. A BSoSotek + a normal shield would...
looks like a good list, I just have a couple of suggestions. First, I would suggest dropping the spear on the Oldblood. As you cannot switch...
alright, so here are two of my builds for the oldblood. As you can see, both are rather specialized. Beyond these special builds, you will...
True enough :D . I guess Im just not used to playing against a dark elf army where they can out magic me ;)
@Kovash: Im sorry if I may have offended you, but in my post I in no way suggested that you had a wrong I will explain my...