Well theres two distinct ways to do this, the subtle way, and the unsubtle way. The unsubtle way is pretty straight-forward. In it, you stick...
@Craken: Am I mistaken and spears can attack from the second rank on the charge? If you are playing against a Wood Elf player, I would strongly...
@Craken: I believe you are confusing the Jaguar Totem (a magic banner) with the Jaguar Pendent (an enchanted item). @Doom Lizard: Yes,...
Wait, Kovash, what part of Baltimore. I live in Greenmount. You?
Yes, Saurus heavy armies will have great difficulty dealing with the new Dark Elves. However, it is not nearly as difficult to adjust your...
Alright, so Im just going to give you several pointers. It seems that everyone else has given you a pretty good explanation on the errors in your...
Well, beyond your basic two points, I must ask if you have anything particular to ask about the slann or whether the topic should just be a all of...
The issue with Jungle Swarms, is that, like Chamo Skinks, they have become a tactical unit. Although Warhammer is won by the amount of combat...
Baltimore, MD w00t
@Kroxigor01: That is interesting. I have used that tactic many times, but in the past almost exclusively with a jungle swarm base. I have...
But how can you justify the point increase given by the BSoOO? At 252 pts I can see the desire to protect him, but by simply dropping some of the...
Did you steal my army list :meh: ? Because this is almost the exact list (point for point) that I field. The only suggestions I have is that...
Nice battle report. It looks like you pulled that one out of the bag despite having your army moving in piecemeal. I really like the msu...
lol....yeah I'm suprised you even tried magic heavy against such a beastly anti-magic list. That said, your spell choice has to be one of the...
El_Collyero makes a very good point. The difficulty you will face is that sometimes it simply is not impossible to take out an opponents casters...
I have to agree with every point made by freakndell.
Sounds like the list performed well despite unforseen consequences (something to be expected against O&G). Although this is off topic, my only...
Well....your not going to want to run units of 24 skinks. Fruther, unlike 40k's infilatrate, Scouting is limited by LOS restrictions, meaning...
Re: 1K Lizzie VS Skellies It would be helpful if you could post your list and a rough esitmation of your opponents.
If anything, I would be hesitant about the Saurus Cold One Riders. With the release of the new Dark Elf cold ones, it is likely that the SCOR...