He could have conceivably joined the jezzails, as they were deployed on the same hill. My one suggestion, is that I think that the plaque of...
seems like you are a bit character heavy on this one.... beyond that, I would suggest that you either go all the way and get the BSOO on your...
A good brief description of NMM (non-metallic metals) can be found here, along with many other painterly terms...
El_Collyero's comment reminded me of something that I overlooked, so I must agree with him. In the previous incarnation of plaguebearers, I would...
Kroq-gar is an interesting exception to the standard rule because of his background. While most heroes are associated with a specific location,...
Based upon your lack of war machine hunters, and your inclusion of the blade of realities, im guessing that this list is specifically designed to...
My only suggestion is that you might want to brighten the Yellow and Red a bit, as right now the contrast between the Primaries and the Black come...
@Lord Campman: I dont thinmk that the spears suggestion is a good idea. The Slann must be deployed in either the 1st or 2nd rank of the unit. As...
Yes, as Kraken said, this is not a unit that will generally make back its points through killing enemy units/characters (unless, as mentioned,...
With the aforementioned tactic, keep in mind that you then dont need LOS at the beginning of the turn, meaning that you can screen your SCOR right...
The same reason why flyers have to land every turn. For that matter, the same reason why a blowpipe has the same range as a pistol and more than...
Looks good. Its a little small for my taste, but if you can swing it go for it. The terradons will definately help you with the war machine...
Take javelins. Then you dont recieve penalties for moving or long range. If you choose to use blowpipes, keep in mind that just because you...
Couldnt the Minotaur lord conceivably have the mark of chaos undivided, meaning that his followers can have any mark?
@montaa: I think the point is that even if he tried a similar approach as you suggest, it wouldnt matter. A skink screen doesnt mean diddly if...
Well that completely depends on your playing style. There are 4 distinct ways that you can play Southlands effectively (that i have seen). There...
you plan to run this against dwarfs?
Looks good for a test model. I would suggest brightening the colors using basecoats or multiple layers so that there is more of a contrast...
I would suggest against dropping the unit of skinks from the list. Keep in mind that Lizardmen benefit the most from a flexible list. Your list...
no. They can choose from any of the eight lores provided by in the BRB.