I'll just glue a shield on his.... somewhere at least. I do that with my Empire State Troops. Halberds in both hands and shields on back :P
Well he will be used as oldblood either way, getting to sunbolt gauntlet though.. :p
The big question is, can I BS myself through the Old Blood with the shiny glove being able to be used on foot in my club lol
Oh, after rereading it I have no idea how I managed to misunderstand the comment that much xP
Oh, well that is good then. Was pretty close lol. Wait, there is a paint guide?
Hm.. probs would in the end like having a combo of Bloodclaw and Firelance Starhost, but would really have to check into how much pts the...
oh what I mean is like spear tips btw. the clubs will be bronze I think
Did I just hear Chaos Space Marines? LEEEEEEL
I'm really not sure how to paint the weapons. I heard they were made out of a fallen star (meteor), so I'd do them black with bronze/gold on them,...
Oh okay
I mean it is not a CRAZY thing like orcs being able to call the waaagh and then the big waaagh with a battalion, but each hero being able to use...
The Bloodclaw Starhost seems nice lol
I didn't do THAT much researched. I looked at the AoS app, looking at units I like the design of. Need to look at the book next saturday though...
I kinda find it silly that even if they are on such a big dino, they still get an attack for biting the enemy
And I think I decided what I'll do next with the army. get another starto collecting box. That would give me 24 saurus warriors, 15 knights, the 1...
Idea came from talking bs with friends over Discord while watching YT videos and while that I saw a guide to a lizardmen style spawning pool...
Ah, well they are the guards of Great Mojo Bath Temple, does that count? :P Name is still a wip btw lol
I think Lizzies are made up out of tribes, right? haven't really read anything about them..
That's not blood, that is Berry juice. Berry is teh name of our rival tribe btw lol
Didn't have time to do the whine leash and the spear tip, but after that small details like drybrush on the shield. Then probably the Saurus...