My usual battle partner loves to field Hell Pit Abominations when he plays as Skaven. I didn't do it this time around, but I'm thinking of...
Just played this in a scenario against 2 other players. The setting: A Goblin army has penetrated a Skaven lair, making off with a strange...
Re: Strange idea, not sure if it would be awesome or terribl I love the idea. I definitely think the second list, with some Skinks, is far more...
Are you planning on sending the Scar Vet off on his own, hydra-hunting? He could probably use a ward save. Otherwise, my first reaction to...
Yeah, I would love to, but Skink Chief + Steg is over the Heroes point allotment for a 1k list.
1k skirmish, all-Skink list vs. all-Plague Skaven list. There are no Skaven Plague Core units, so we agreed that Slaves were in...meaning a...