Fancy making me an alternate one ^.^ then I can choose between them every now and then :)
So my recent army bundle had a bag of bits which was super handy ...ahem you'll see what I mean ;) [IMG] [ATTACH] It had lots of Lizardmen...
What you do is you dab it with paint then pull back the hairs/strings this video shows it perfectly when she gets the toothbrush out :)
Awesome worth it for sure :) - For painting stars I'm not sure how effective it is on small figures but on a ceramic elephant my partner and I...
Your Lord Kroak has gone to a better collection ...mwhahaha
Thank you I'm having doubts about a proxy now due to the exactness of a hero lore - Might just make my own character :) that can be used as a hero...
I don't have any original Tiqtaqto's I was bidding on one before but lost the auction - would you mind showing me a picture of the original rider...
Just reading up on tiqtaqto in my new Lizardmen book think its the prior one to the newest and it says there are floating islands - such...
I have to say as awesome as the galactic pattern is its a shame to step away from the maelstrom must buy more to have a mix of both...
Thanks @Jorgik
More than one way to skin a cat but here @NIGHTBRINGER shows us what to do once you've skinned that cat and why you'd want to in the first place...
Would be good but before I attempt anything like that i'd have to try using green stuff with wires never done anything like that - need more...
My main concerns is not making it look silly as my golden serpent conversion looked all disproportionate and silly.
The backs not really Slann stable - without breaking off afew spine bits... unless I create a special platform above them I could try I...
I'm gonna do one more brush over with liquid green stuff as you can see it doesn't cover everything yet - then the tail spikes will be made into...
Added some scales to my dinosaur conversion it didn't turn into a replication of the pattern already there I just free formed them to make him...
I'm more of a collector at this point - and gonna do some converting. I got some (lots) of new models today - here is the listing of them...
I'm impressed I want to start looking at some scenery making for my collection how did u make the pillars are they structurally sound?
That Slann temple is fudging epic!!!
So to get my army numbers up higher I based some of my loose skinks ^.^ - Shaman, champion and 10 archers. I don't have a great deal of bases...