We interrupt this discussion to bring you something green... Before - [ATTACH] [ATTACH] After - [ATTACH] [ATTACH] There are some small...
Oh wait I have 2 carnies ..doyyy I forget because its so tiny :P
I think all I'm we'd have pretty even numbers :) 2 carnies is nice :)
My count is on the first post of this forum but it doesn't include a few skinks and saurus that are in my bits box because they aren't based - how...
Sounds pretty nifty might try one sometime when my budget recovers - having a bit of financial trouble since a nasty employer refused to pay me...
Yeah the Lizardmen bits on the side are awesome might steal that idea ;)
This is really a nice Slann design I love nature inspired painting
I count 19 Slann atm that's including my proxy santa one and 3 Kroaks ^.^ - so yes in short I can't help it - I need to invest in some salamanders...
2 New additions to the Slann army ^.^ 1 more Kroak and one more Starmaster? - The additional Kroaks will be turned into other venerable dead Slann...
Rory the rednose reindeer ^.^ - It's official guys I had to give my clue maker the SACK now he has to find another job or become ELF employed....
I guess clue no.2 isn't gonna be needed ;)
Christmas conversion clue no.1 (Picture is upside down :P) [ATTACH]
I actulley really like the terradon paint job how its going a cloudy effect is a nice idea
That's a pretty nifty set :D
I trust my bribe...I mean uhm no strings attached monetary gift found its way to your good self @The Red Devil
I have a feeling you'll have outbid me on some salamanders I still haven't got any of these for my collection :(
Old blood spilling lots of new blood ;) lovely effect
It's most certainly not all of them ever produced and I've neglected it massively but yes it has an extensive and growing list :D
I don't think it's new as I haven't bought any Warhammer stuff for ages - perhaps its not even Warhammer ^.^ not to throw spanners in the works :P
It narrows it down - but i'm not even 90% sure it is I just feel the plastic is very similar - they are connecting spine parts from something but...