if he's mounted, then he's Cavalry. which means no swap. You could swap out with any other Infantry on the board within range- which CAN be...
TJoe is pretty accurate. Lizzie dynamics alter a LITTLE from Druchii play, but not much. Being Cav is a minus. The Swiftstride is a plus. The Ld...
I hereby refuse to play poker with you. Ever. What about a horde o' skinks with some krox behind them?
I've been thinking HARD about how to beat woodies with my non liz list, but I can roughly translate. I like 2 casters, one 4 other 2. If he's one...
Hydras are a pain- I run them often enough, I should know- so how do I like to put down a 5 headed chicken? 1: Flame banner on a fairly large...
wait- you can use the magic if the 5 fired?
I highly agree with Cane. I love experimentation with my armies, and set ups. Every player is different, and army, but there are "general tips"...
I thought spells were only able to be had by one caster (eg: both can HAVE life- but if Dwellers came up twice, the second caster gets to choose...
See- this is where I'm a newb; This is the best I could come up with The Challenger 230 or 260 pts -Light Armour -Cold One (optional) =Maiming...
Ok- on D. net someone brilliantly thought to sum up effective builds and favourites that have shown up in 8th. This goes along with the Hero Build...
There's a guy on D. net who thought of a BRILLIANT idea- Ask people what their favourite build was for a Hero. Lizzies are WAY more diverse on...
and we HATE losing some of...their evil...bad bad evil abilities o_O I think the Tier system has 2 flaws, as does comp'ing: 1: comp's are...
Hail and well met! I'm normally a Druchii, but I was thinking 'Hmmmm, yknow... people will EXPECT me to be all shifty and shady... but Minxz is...