According to battlescribe i have it is legal. And as i posted my army on armylist side and calculated myself it is legal. SMP 455, Scarvet 130,...
As i read Hoverboys post i agree that he has point. Skink priest is to be used backup caster if something goes wrong with slann, but this happens...
Hello there! This is my first battle report post. Yesterday had a pitched battle with my brother for 2400 pts Dwarf againts Lizardmen My...
Okey. I came back to think how could i improve my army. I made 2 list that have bit differences List #1 470 SMP : BSB War Banner, Lore of life,...
You must mean the stegadon is 50mm * 100mm ? Not slann right =) ? As for rest of your answer thank you. I appreciate it :) THank you!
Hello there As i have returned to lizardmen army from 4 year pause not playing at all. I have noticed many things have changed since i last...
Hellou there! So i have this old model of slann with 4 Temple Guards carrying him. And i was planning that if i could separate TG's from slann...
I got second tought's after reading Hiv0r's armylist on same topic. I think ill replace my Skink Priest with EOTG to Skink Chief with Ancient...
Quite nice setup. I changed my armylist inspired from this one (Accually changed my SP /w eotg to SC with AS As above said i would like to know...
I have made changes from all of your feedback's and this is how my list looks now. Puhnupetteri's Uber lizardman 2400 Point armylist Lord...
Thank you Hiv0r for your posts. As i read your suggestions im getting to think why i didint thought of those changes, because imo they seem very...
Thank you for your post Yakhunter. I wonder why is that you recommend taking only 24 SW? As i played againts beastmens they have 2 large horde...
Hello there. This is my first post on these forums I have played multiple games, mostly againts Dwarfs, High Elves and Beastmens My dwarf...