wowwwwwww bubby. thats far man. but pretty kool
i was just wondering wat part of the world everyone on the forum is from no im not like a stalker or anything so chill out i was just wondering...
wait lord of the rings took that name first right? the book was written before warhammer was around if im correct?
tell me whats so bad a bout morgor. btwthats my second favorite army. beastmen i like. but yeah. why is he so bad is it because of his ability...
welcome bud enjoy the forum
lol no i didnt take it as an insult. your good.
thx bud
thx man. im so dumb i glued the pluaqe on before i painted it so now i got to paint it through his legs
yeah ive got the book but im retarded
heres a tehehiuan model ive been working on still quite a bit of work to do on it as you can see but this is An idea of wat he looks. again lots...
can i ask were you got the stegodon
u mean i wrote nonsense
nice man looks AWWWWWWWWWSOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEEE. south africa man its a tough place but no matter wat goes on there i will always love it
hey im in not to clear about the slanns disiplines or wat ever they are called. it is said that they cost 50 point per disipline . so then as i...
what about lord croak its he also one of those overly powerfull models?
who in your opinion is the worst choas lord to face on the battlefiled this includes are three caos races. deamons beasts and worriors. give your...
i was just wondering if anyone knew were i could get some of the old lustria amazon race or pigmys
yeah i see wat you mean. ill probably just use lord croak as a show piece then lol. paint his up real nice.
well to be honest playing an actual game with that much points is just pointless really its more for show. the military?kool. i was born and...