The armor save limit was modified by errata. Now it reads: Some people read this as you can never be lower than 1+, but it looks to me that you...
awwwwww...crappy... :depressed:
Unfortunately, that's not true. Page 89, 1st paragraph. If you take spears as an upgrade, then you use spears in close combat. Of course,...
Hrmm...I always played that as any unit taking a wound, but technically a casualty would be a model. so on units made up of multi-wound models,...
Rarely? really? I love running saurus hordes. 30-40 Saurus 10-wide is fun to watch (i've done up to 60 just to try it). It's expensive for a...
That's what I figured. Thanks!
Correct. If you need a 7, then you need to roll a 6 and then 4-6, 8 requires 6 then 5 or 6, 9 requires 6 then 6, and anything beyond that is...
and never, never underestimate poison. I played some Chameleons against my buddies WoC the other night and, granted I rolled better than average,...
Indeed. He can make a great solo tar pit, and, for those that are concerned about offense, don't forget that there are still 35 points to play...
He also cannot be moved to the front rank for the same reason and therefor can't be attacked. So in most cases he probably couldn't be challenged...
Pretty much what the title says. Skirmishers special rule states that they may march and fire, but they still suffer the -1 to shoot. Quick To...
if you hit on sixes, then you still get poison, and if you hit on fives, then there is still a chance that you can wound. if you're hitting on...
Hrmm...I'm starting to lean more towards he doesn't step up. The problem is it doesn't say one way or the other what happens when you lose only...
What Rolfgar said. You can't change the width of your unit without a reform, and by the time you get to that part of the combat phase you're...
If you manage to get Iceshard off, then nobody is hitting you on 4s. Fencer's Blades is an interesting idea though. You could almost go without...
Caveat: this is for close combat. It's also an expensive character, but I've used him a few times to great success. A little recipe I whipped up...
discussed this at my local shop monday night. we came to the conclusion that he steps up as soon as there is room for him to fit in the front...
Nothing in the rulebook says that. Great weapons carry two special rules: Uses Two Hands and Always Strikes Last. ASL is as I described it above....
yes, you can only have one kroxigor for every 8 skinks in a mixed unit. if you take kroxigors on their own, then you must have a minimum of three.
hrmmm...I thought Skrox units had to hav skinks on the side of the kroxigors as well. If not, then I still think it's a good idea to have them to...