If you us chaos black spray is very shinny, that might work.I have a gw cropper not sure if they are still doing it.Have a look on other site.
Vey cool.
They are very cool.
You would have to us a lot of green stuff,But if you pulled it of it would be very cool.If you do can you put it up on web.
Very good Craken well spotted.it was so cool i had to have it.It is Reaper Miniatures,the only problem is that i can't us it in the grant...
where did you get the soteck preist.
I like the slan priest.You need the slan to have a blowpipe in his mouth as if he was getting high.Or a peace sign with is hands. But really cool.
I us Testors Dull cote,It give a matt finish.Look for 1260 Dullcote http://www.testors.com/search?q=Dull+co ... &x=51&y=11 It is the first on...
I took out 15 Dwarf warriors today with 1 Salamanders.You have to get in close about 15 inches.That was in one turn.
Some more stuff Skink Preist [attach] [attach] Battle standard [attach] [attach] Oldblood [attach] [attach] [attach] I will have a...
Yes it look like you are right,But the Blood statuette of spite Is one good way to hit a vampire.
They just talk warhammer.The best podcast ever. http://podhammer.net/
I like the slan but the front needs an lighter colour( bleach bone).How do you do the bone?nice.
What is the best size unit i should for Skinks.I us to us 12 but i think that might be to big.If i put 12 in a unit it will take 3 kills to panic...
I love the Carnosaur, how was it done
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip)*updated* Very nice love the purple
I have been working on my lizardmen over the last week , so have decided to see what peaple think. [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]...
If you take 2 skink priests and give one the bane head,give the second a the blood statuette of spite.Cast the Bane head at the start of the...
I would make the Saurus into units of 15 and not 20. I would take out the Temple Guard and put in two units of Saurus.They are much better and...