at least we get that. im thinking running slaan solo focus, soul stone and ethereal with cupped hands and something else lol. go for a big spell...
but it doesnt say that you cant use ward saves from the miscast. or at least i cant find it.
most the miscast chart is strength 10 hit from a template. thats what i have heard from the pod cast that is
so i have been reading was wondering if anyone else had thought of this idea. flying skink priest. wait till about 2nd or 3rd turn and use him as...
weclome, there needs to more female players/ gamers in the world.
2 slanns and at least two engines for sure. several salamanders for his paque bearers, if u have multple engines they cannot stop the burning...
i think there could be a kroxagor. what about a pet class? lol skink herder for salamander or razordon ha ha
anyone think that warhammer online will get some lizards? i wish they would lol
with greatweapons and ASF plus shooting, plus master and dreadlord, plus magic defense, plus an assassin or two. it doesnt tend to need the rank bonus
i believe in 6th ed skirmishers to march and do crazy things but not in 7th. on the challenges read that section again very closely. you will...
terradons went afer organ gun, bolt throwers where on each side of the field. rocks did not kill anyone ans a bolt thrower killed one and the...
i like the sword even better now.
so if say you kill a model by the failed leadership test from the BoR how does that count towards combat rez? do you get one wound? or do u get...
Oldblood carnosaur blade of realities enchanted shield light armor scarvet hide of cold one ( i know most everyon dislikes the armor but im going...
my list carnosaur oldblood with BOR and enchanted shield. scarvet cold one sword of might, wardrum priest diamdem eotg priested eotg power...
a mounted stegadon or carnosaur can join can a unit of infantry? has anyone done this? what benefits would this provide?
im thinking krox will be able strike normally, it is not a normal infantry unit. their great reach rule was specifically designed for them strike...
yes it is 12 inches, sorry that was the 6 ed ring of hotek. its been a while since i played as DE. i have rarely seen executioners be made into a...
i agree with everything said. if he is going to be cheesy then watch out for one or two hydras, trick to them is flaming, flaming, flaming. either...
i play alot of skaven and vc, so sword and staff both can be worth it. but will see after i use it a couple of times, maybe it wont help much....