Saurus no longer have blessed spawning :( Skink skirmishers would probably do very well with their poison.
I've certainly had epic times like that, I remember I once wiped out a unit of dragon princes with the burning alignment, but I've also had time...
Would you all agree that it's greatest weakness is that little t2 priest on top? If you want the engine to do anything other than hang back and...
I think this question was possibly answered here
Would the extra attack from the shield still benefit from the burning blade effects?
It saddens me to see that our unique characters all pale in comparison, oh well atleast the rest of our army rocks :D
Well yesterday we held a 1250 character brawl at my local gw. Rules were 1 lord and no limit heroes. I foolishly thought no one would be lame...
Haven't actually tried him yet, but just from looking at him he seems like an inferior choice to a normal slann. Reasons being 1. he only has one...
The regular stegadon counts as a special choice, the ancient version counts as a rare. When either is taken as a mount for a character they don't...
Yea to have them pretty much equal the stats of chaos warriors for 3pts less would be overpowered :P
Magnetize like I did so you can switch on the fly :D Since the main carriage remains pretty much the same for all configurations you can just...
I recently bought a slann and have been brainstorming color schemes, some funny, others just different. My first idea was to paint the slann like...
So a while ago I bought the LM battalion, and now that I've got a few small games under my belt I've been looking to expand my army more towards...
So I regularly play a dwarf player who unsurprisingly sticks to the "dwarven gunline" mentality. I've only bought the battalion box and a stegadon...
Woo I got my steg and it definately looks like it can be easily magnetized :D But now I have another question. What reds do they use in the...
Hi guys, I'm new to these forums and just wanted to say hi! I originally started playing 40k as necrons, then somehow a friend of mine(who plays...
Hi I recently started lizardmen, all I have so far is the battalion and a scar vet(on foot). I was looking at purchasing a stegadon kit as my...