Maybe try to cut down one or both of the units of saurus to 15 and try and fit in a scar vet or maybe another nit of skink skirmishers the y are...
Hi, Do you mean ideas for what units to buy, if so i would get lots of saurus and about 22 skinks maybe more after that get a steggie then a...
Anyone posting????????
Thanks for all the advice I will soon play warriors of chaos thanks again
It is fine Teeto Eko
All the skinks post stuff here please. It can be anbout anything
I decided not to change the BSB to the slann other than that is the list good I'm going to be playing high elves and Warriors of chaos thanks...
I did the bones White with a wash of devlan mud as for the scales Im not sure what to do just do what you think looks best and goes with your...
For the skin prime black and then overbrush with mechrite red. Then highlight with blood red and finally wash with devlan mud. Thats how I did it...
Thanks for all the tips I have changed the list some more. Decided not to have the champ in the second unit as I did not have the points Lords...
Any comments on updated army list??????? I would like some more advice if there is anything that can make it better
this is my updated list Lords Slann Mage Priest w/ The Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones: 370 changed all...
It's curse-charm of Tepok BTW :)
Thanks for all the advice I will bear it in mind for when I updating my list thanks again If there is anything else that needs fixed please mention
Can anyone comment I am new to warhammer :)
I am new to Warhammer and have made up this list. Feedback appreciated Lords Slann Mage Priest with The Focused Rumination, Cupped Hands of the...