The only one that is confusing that isn't here in my opinion is kroq gar. We got nothing on his whereabouts especially since he was ordered by maz...
Nakai died from the mutated plague bone ripper sized rat ogre. He ripped the rat ogre In half and he succumbed to the plague I thought. Gor Rok...
It also doesn't help that our only named character worth a damn in AOS is kroak. Man the end times really hosed the seraphon
I think there's something about orruks soon
I mean just treat him as a daemon prince because it'll inevitably label him as that in a FAQ
Ham sandwich
If my colleagues and I didnt lose the ability to make skinks autopass morale checks. I'd of included one to have as a centerpiece and bodyguard...
That is a lot of fucking flyers. And I'm the one with 200 out of 280 skinks and 3 dread sauruans
This week on vince complains about seraphon because he is delusional as shit
(Cracks a keg) this^
Yeah dude if you want to use the mini make an army that includes it. I'd run it if I didn't need my 110 skinks(no I'm not dropping more)
Kroak 320 280 skinks 1680 The look of absolute confusion and horror as your opponent has to chew through 280+ wounds Priceless
I mean 100 pts for that spell... meh
Orruks vampires sob or more chaos mortals
Big fucking going bonk on dinosaurs and toads heads
Albion got fucked by mazdamundi and nakai when mazdamundi changed the entire landscape to be like lustria I thought. And if we go by how lustria...
Except its literally written in great detail how kislev was royally glassed by archaon and his roaming armada of misfits
Remember what legendoftotalwar says about the lizardmen. "Just go life slann and stegadons. Or get a bunch of skink priests and put them on engine...
5 days to 21 days shipping so let's roll the dice on this Bamf I fully expect him to be as big as gulliman like the lore suggests
Alright lads I am finally able to finish my carcharodons tyberos is on the way