Was that MWGs devastation of baal? I felt so bad for the nids player during that shooting phase turn 1
If we truly wanted to make sense lore wise I don't see why the swarm lord can't be considered to be a LoW
Say no more I comply
What in gods name are you smoking? 1 The lictor/deathleaper model looks fine. No amount of arguing or subjective opinions you have could ever say...
What are the oldest tyranid models that are reasonably used atm? Is it gargoyles? Raveners? Warriors? Or rippers? I'd hazard a guess those would...
Ya know if they bring back the parasite they should bring back old red terror
Fuck cruddy hes a dipshit
I get first turn teleport my dread he makes his charge into the 3 foot heroes dealing a lot of mortal wounds. One dies due to the fact that dice...
I'm still staring at the total derpfest my kroxigors are i can only admire how my painting could never not make those hideous
That leg either looks chaos. Gloomspire gits. Or yet another vampire thing(vargheist)
The literal title of this sub is wish list. So it is what you wish would happen. Not what most likely will happen
Ngl looks pretty sick.
Except that it is still known that krakenrock the black is still alive id hazard a guess since he is immortal and well they struck a deal with the...
Wait maybe its a lizard near a new model of kholek suneater
Watch it be something bonkers like Markus wulfhart
I want to be 60 points cheaper
Ya know..... I wonder if they are bringing ol hitlermundi back? Since they brought sigvald so why not right? Mazzy and zlaaq
Yeah the bit about our slann (the literal greatest magical species that have been practicing magic longer than the fucking gods themselves)...
Ya know when they eventually nerf him via cost increase ima just go back to steamrolling with the regular slann in fact I only use the slann tbh...
Yall..... Yall really just wanna make me buy kroak