Trimming to 30 skink units brings it down to 90 and I'm not comfortable enough with only 90 when I know the first 2 rounds is gonna be a series of...
Yes Slann starmaster 260 2 dread saurians 1020 3x40 skinks with javelins,daggers, and bucklers 720 Simple effective and fun to use.
I still can't fit kroak into my dread saurian army angel I'm literally out of points
In order to get him to be even remotely as oppressive as people say he is you need to invest 600 points into him.
Chiefs on stegs are always a good option my friend their command ability is great to use on the skinks
Hey me have you realized that they're 1200 points? No shit they can hold a point forever they are one of the most killy single models out there....
If you realistically want to find a way to raise kroaks cost give him an absurd special rule that can be utilized by all formations and battalions...
Unmoving is absurd to the max degree. Get the realm of ghur ability without spending cp what the hell? Put that on an old blood with carno and you...
Have you met vorgorath and skalok After they get their ramp up? They are hard enough to kill as is and swarms won't last vs em either
Everytime i look at this warscroll im always impressed [ATTACH]
hey now erta don't be like that I'd say our sunblood and our slann(i still love the kroak model) are maybe out of date as our heroes are concerned...
Nakai Spirit of Ghur
Yeah seraphon definitely has some seriously outdated models (glares at kroxigors and cold ones)
Don't worry too much about kroak. Heaven forbid the greatest of the race that literally taught the fucking elves how to bend the winds of magic...
Little dead frog shouldn't be able to compete with gods? Somebody tell that guy that kroak mastered everything arcane wise (minus necromancy)...
Hell thunderlizard works for everything honestly except the teleport mobility threat that star hosts have make it really really difficult at times...
That is a dragon ogor I thought xD
I've played against my gms lumineth and I didn't think they were better but then again anyone who is trying to cast vs a kroak and a slann is in...
I'm not good at cropping stuff out. But in times of war units in a howdah were usually considered to be mounted warbeasts so I guess on a...
I am not buying a 4th one until they are lowered in points cost to 420 again